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Your Ultimate Thermomix Resource Hub

Here, you'll find a variety of resources to help you get the most out of your Thermomix machine. From recipes to cooking tips to cleaning instructions, we've got you covered.
【烘焙廚房】酥皮奶油泡芙 | Pastry & Éclair食譜秘訣!超詳細教學❗N次總結出來的經驗零失敗❗

【烘焙廚房】酥皮奶油泡芙 | Pastry & Éclair食譜秘訣!超詳細教學❗N次總結出來的經驗零失敗❗

✨想要在家裡輕鬆製作出成功的空心酥皮大泡芙嗎?由N多次經驗總結出的獨家秘訣,保證每一次都能輕鬆成功!簡單易行的製作步驟,成功率高,就算是烘焙新手也能輕鬆應對!讓你在家中也能享受專業烘焙的樂趣!美善品TM6,讓製作過程更加簡單、快速!一個按鍵,就能創造出絕美的泡芙!外皮金黃酥脆,內裡柔軟香濃,一咬即化的口感,每一口都是甜蜜的享受!絕對是家庭聚會或派對上的完美點心! 跟著視頻學起來吧! ✨【食材】18份 泡芙: 150克 水 80克 無鹽奶油,切丁 2茶匙 糖(10克) 1小撮 精海鹽 120克 普通麵粉 3個 中等雞蛋 奶醬: 40克 吉士粉 120克 鮮奶 20克 淡奶油(whipping cream) 📊【營養成分】(每一份) 熱量:298.1 千焦 / 71.2 千卡 蛋白質:1.9 克 碳水化合物:5.5 克 脂肪:4.6 克 飽和脂肪:2.6 克 纖維:0.2 克 鈉:22.9 毫克 🔪【製作步驟】 1. 在攪拌碗中放入水、奶油、糖和鹽,使用攪拌籃代替量杯,設置攪拌 5 分鐘/100°C/速度 1。 2. 添加麵粉,混合 20 秒/速度 4。然後將攪拌碗取出,放置在一旁待其冷卻 10 分鐘。同時,預熱烤箱至 200°C,並在大烤盤上鋪上烘焙紙或矽膠烘焙墊。 3. 將攪拌碗放回定位,加入雞蛋,混合 45 秒/速度 5。 4. 將混合物轉移到裝有直徑 10 毫米噴嘴的裱花袋中,擠出球狀(泡芙)或條狀(泡芙條)在準備好的烤盤上,每個之間留出 5 厘米的間隔。烤 20-25 分鐘(200°C)直至金黃色。關閉烤箱並打開烤箱門,留有一個小縫,讓烘焙品乾燥 10 分鐘。從烤箱取出烤盤,待泡芙完全冷卻後,根據需要填充或裝飾。 🛠️【準備物品】 烤箱、大烤盤、烘焙紙或矽膠烘焙墊、裱花袋和直徑 10 毫米噴嘴 💡【提示與技巧】 1. 在法國,不同款式的泡芙有著特定的名稱,例如奶油泡芙、閃電泡芙、高溫泡芙、奶油餡餅和泡芙小圓餅。 2. 泡芙麵團可以提前製作並冷藏或冷凍,然後再烘烤之前取出。在冰箱中保存 2 天,或在冷凍庫中保存 3 個月。烘焙前在冰箱中解凍。 3. 如果沒有裱花袋,可以剪一個堅固的冷凍袋角落,用來擠出泡芙麵團在烤盤上。 4.使用濕手指平滑烘焙前泡芙麵團頂部的任何凸起。 5. 泡芙麵團可以填充鮮奶油或奶油餡,配以新鮮水果,灑上糖霜食用。 6. 將泡芙填充奶油芝士和新鮮香草,作為可口的咸味選擇。 7.調整泡芙的大小和形狀,以適應您的口味和需求。 免費示範體驗美善品TM6的魔法!購買連結在下方,機不可失,趕緊入手吧! 👉 購買美善品TM6: 如果你對美善品TM6有興趣,歡迎到我們的網站了解更多: 了解更多: 美善品系列: 美善品tm6: 👉 預約或聯繫我們: 如果你有任何疑問或需要幫助,請通過以下方式聯繫我們: Whatsapp: (852) 6725 2321 Email: 👉 追踪我的Channel: 我的頻道將持續分享更多關於美善品TM6的美食視頻,幫助新手和老手們在廚房中嶄露頭角。請大家繼續關注我,我們一起探索更多美味的料理吧❤️ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Serving size: 18 pieces Ingredients 150 g water 80 g unsalted butter, diced 2 tsp sugar (10 g) 1 pinch fine sea salt 120 g plain flour 3 medium eggs Custard Cream: 40g custard powder 120g fresh milk 20g whipping cream Nutrition per 1 piece Calories 298.1 kJ / 71.2 kcal Protein 1.9 g Carbohydrates 5.5 g Fat 4.6 g Saturated Fat 2.6 g Fibre 0.2 g Sodium 22.9 mg Preparation 1. Place water, butter, sugar and salt in mixing bowl then, with simmering basket in place of measuring cup, heat 5 min/100°C/speed 1. 2. Add flour and mix 20 sec/speed 4. Remove mixing bowl and set aside to cool for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 200°C and line a large baking tray with baking paper or a silicone baking mat. 3.Place mixing bowl back into position, add eggs and mix 45 sec/speed 5. 4.Transfer to a piping bag fitted with a Ø 10 mm nozzle (see tips) and pipe balls (choux) or sticks (éclairs) onto prepared baking tray, leaving 5 cm space between each (see tip). Bake for 20-25 minutes (200°C) until golden brown. Turn off oven and open oven door slightly, leaving it ajar for 10 minutes to allow pastries to dry. Remove tray from oven and leave choux pastries to cool completely before serving or filling as desired. Useful Items oven, large baking tray, baking paper or silicone baking mat, piping bag and Ø 10 mm nozzle Hints & Tips 1.In France, different variations of choux pastry have specific names, such as choux à la crème, éclairs, gougères, profiteroles and chouquettes. 2.Choux pastry can be made in advance and refrigerated or frozen before baking. Store in a freezer bag in fridge for up to 2 days or in freezer for up to 3 months. Simply defrost in fridge before shaping and baking. 3.If you don't have a piping bag, cut the corner off a sturdy freezer bag and use to pipe choux pastries onto baking tray. 4.Use a wet finger to smooth down any bumps on the top of choux pastries before baking. 5.Choux pastries can be filled with whipped cream or pastry cream and served with fresh fruit, dusted with icing sugar. 6.Fill choux pastries with cream cheese and fresh herbs for a savoury option. 7.Adjust the size and shape of the choux pastries to suit your taste and requirements.
地中海意粉沙拉 Mediterranean pasta salad | 靈魂食譜教你一次就成功 | 營養低卡節日聚會絕佳料理 | tthermomix幫你在家輕鬆做各國美食

地中海意粉沙拉 Mediterranean pasta salad | 靈魂食譜教你一次就成功 | 營養低卡節日聚會絕佳料理 | tthermomix幫你在家輕鬆做各國美食

地中海意粉沙拉,這款沙拉經典悠久,還富含營養低卡,更特別的是,其中的靈魂是我親自製作的Pesto Sauce,而這一切都來自於我的好夥伴Thermomix TM6。 🌿讓我介紹這道沙拉的靈魂——我親自製作的Pesto Sauce。使用Thermomix TM6,確保了每一份醬汁都是地道正宗的美味,這款醬汁香氣四溢,讓整道沙拉更加迷人。喜歡視覺饗宴的你,別錯過我之前的製作過程視頻: 🍽 從清洗蔬果到烹煮鸡蛋,Thermomix TM6一應俱全。樱桃番茄的清新、蛋的鮮嫩,再加上Pesto Sauce的香氣,每一個食材都在這個沙拉中發揮了極致的風味。我們一起來了解一下這道地中海意大利面沙拉的製作過程吧! 🍅 食材 沙拉(6 份) 清水,用於冷卻 3 顆雞蛋 250 克蝴蝶麵食(迷宮麵) 2 湯匙橄欖油 200 克醃製過的酸菜心(義大利酸菜),瀝乾並切成半 30 克芝麻菜或新鮮菠菜葉或混合沙拉葉 100 克櫻桃番茄,切成半 1-2 撮鹽,依口味調整 1-2 撮黑胡椒粉,依口味調整 👩‍🍳 製作過程 1. 在攪拌碗中加入清水,使用自動洗滌功能洗淨櫻桃番茄,37 攝氏度 / 5 或 6 分鐘 / 速度 4。倒出洗淨的水。 2. 在攪拌盆中再次加入清水。將蒸籠籃置於位,並將雞蛋放入蒸籠籃中。鎖定蓋子,蒸蛋 12 分鐘 / 100 攝氏度 / 速度 2。 3. 取下蓋子,將籃子放在一邊,將雞蛋放入冷水中的碗中。 4. 加入橄欖油、鹽和義大利麵到攪拌碗中。鎖定蓋子,烹飪 12 分鐘 / 100 攝氏度 / 速度 'spoon',或直到麵食煮至 al dente。 5. 同時,你可以將櫻桃番茄切成半。 6. 瀝乾麵食水,然後將其轉移到一個大碗中,鬆散的麵食防止粘在一起,然後擱置待涼。 7. 剝皮蛋,切成八塊,放入大碗中。將大碗放在攪拌碗蓋子上,然後將沙拉、櫻桃番茄和青醬加入義大利麵碗中。用鹽和胡椒調味,充分攪拌均勻。立即食用或冷藏至準備食用。 🥗這道沙拉不僅美味,還低卡又營養豐富。每一口都是對地中海風味的品味,同時我們還一併提供了每份的營養信息,方便大家更了解所食用的食物。 每份:卡路里(2452 千焦 / 584 千卡),蛋白質(17.7 克),碳水化合物(35.3克),脂肪(40 克),飽和脂肪(7.9 克),纖維(7.3 克),鈉(426.9 毫克) 成品沙拉色香味俱佳,樱桃番茄的甜美与鸡蛋的鲜嫩相互融合,青酱的浓厚香气为整个沙拉提供了独特的风味。 在制作过程中,Thermomix TM6不仅能轻松洗净蔬菜水果,还能精确控制煮鸡蛋的时间,让你轻松掌握不同口感。同时,清洁方面也非常方便,确保食材的卫生健康。 🎉 無論是日常享用、節日慶祝還是與好友聚會,這道地中海意大利面沙拉都是絕佳的選擇。美味的味道和令人滿足的口感,絕對能為你的用餐體驗增色不少! 免費示範體驗美善品TM6的魔法!購買連結在下方,機不可失,趕緊入手吧! 👉 購買美善品TM6: 如果你對美善品TM6有興趣,歡迎到我們的網站了解更多: 了解更多: 美善品系列: 美善品tm6: 👉 預約或聯繫我們: 如果你有任何疑問或需要幫助,請通過以下方式聯繫我們: Whatsapp: (852) 6725 2321 Email: 👉 追踪我的Channel: 我的頻道將持續分享更多關於美善品TM6的美食視頻,幫助新手和老手們在廚房中嶄露頭角。請大家繼續關注我,我們一起探索更多美味的料理吧❤️ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mediterranean pasta salad Ingradients: Salad (6 portion) water, for cooling 3 eggs 250 g farfalle pasta (bow tie pasta) 2 tbsp olive oil 200 g marinated artichoke hearts (義大利酸菜), drained and cut into halves 30 g rocket or fresh spinach leaves or mixed salad leaves 100 g cherry tomatoes, cut into halves 1 - 2 pinches salt, to taste 1 - 2 pinches ground black pepper, to taste Nutrition per 1 portion Calories 2452 kJ / 584 kcal Protein 17.7 g Carbohydrates 35.3 g Fat 40 g Saturated Fat 7.9 g Fibre 7.3 g Sodium 426.9 mg Cooking: 1.Place water into mixing bowl, wash cherry tomattos using auto-washing function, 37 degree/5or6 mins/speed 4. Pour out washed water, Place water into mixing bowl. Place simmer basket into position and place eggs into simmer basket. Secure lid and steamed eggs 12 min/100 degree/speed 2. 2.Remove lid and Set basket aside, place eggs into a bowl of cool water. 3.Add olive oil and salt, pasta to mixing bowl. Secure lid and cook 12 min/100degree/speed 'spoon', or until pasta is al dente. 4.In the sametime, you can cut cherry tomattos into half. 5.Drain pasta water, then transfer into a large serving bowl, loose pasta prevent to stick together then set aside to cool. 6.Peel eggs, chop into eighths and add to serving bowl. Place serving bowl onto mixing bowl lid, then add salad, cherry tomatoes and pesto sauce into pasta bowl. Season to taste with pepper and salt. mix them thoroughly. Serve immediately or refrigerate until ready to serve.
Homemade Sourdough Baguettes | Soft interior, Crisp, Deep-golden crust | Bread Baking Recipe Easy

Homemade Sourdough Baguettes | Soft interior, Crisp, Deep-golden crust | Bread Baking Recipe Easy

🍞French baguette has a long history, starting in France and becoming an integral part of French cuisine. This video teaches you how to use Thermomix to make authentic French baguettes! 👩‍🍳During the production process, you must follow the golden ratio of the dough and follow the recipe. Guaranteed to be full of deliciousness in every bite. Brown and crispy on the outside, dense on the inside, moderately salty and with a hint of wheat aroma, it is definitely a favorite among French bread lovers! Tools needed to make baguette: Silicone mat Baking paper Glass jar to keep the starter Scale Scrapper Couches/baguette tray Oven (temperature 250 C or above) Water bottle spray Blade/knife for scoring Rack to cool down the bread Bread knife and bread board Dough kneading equipment Baking stone Easy Baguette (with Herman Starter or poolish) Yield: 2 big or 3 medium baguettes Ingredients: 240g Bread Flour ( over 13% protein) or T65 French flour 80g Active Herman Starter* 1.5g Instant yeast 160g Water, room temperature 5g Salt 👨‍🍳 Cooking Method: 1. Place all ingredients except salt in mixing bowl. Thermomix: Mix 10sec/sp4 Kitchen machine: Mix till all ingredients are incorporated 2. Autolyse 30 minute. Add salt, knead Thermomix: 4 minute Kitchen machine: Knead till the dough come together and smooth. 6-8 minutes as general guide. 3. Place in a greased container. Proof 1 to 1.5 hour or till almost double. 4. Prepare a lightly dusted work surface, remove bread dough and cut into 2 portions 5. Pre shape and rest for 15 minute 6. Final shape and proof for about 30-45 minute 7. Preheat oven to 250C with baking stone 8. Bake 10 minute with steam at 250C and then 10 minute at 210C without steam (fan force) Note: *Kneading time may vary depending on the brand of the kneading /kitchen machine. Above timing is a rough guide only. *Proofing time may vary. Bread will proof faster in summer *Approximately 240g for big or 160g for medium baguette dough *Poolish (pre-ferment) as an alternative to Herman Starter: 40g Bread Flour 40g Water, room temperature 1.5g Instant Yeast Mix well and let it proof for 1 hour at room temperature. Place in refrigerator overnight. Take out from refrigerator 30 minutes before use Compared to other dough mixers, the Thermomix TM6 is definitely better. Not only does it have outstanding mixing effects, but it also has an automatic cleaning function, saving time and effort. It is simply the best choice for a kitchen assistant. With Thermomix TM6, you don’t have to worry about the dough being difficult to clean, because it has an automatic cleaning function to keep your pots in new condition. Pair French baguette with high-quality French cream and fragrant cheese, simple and classic. If you like, you can add some ham or thin slices of foie gras to enhance the texture. You can also pair it with ham and vegetable sandwiches, a favorite for breakfast! Let’s make a delicious baguette together! 🍞 👉 Purchase Thermomix TM6: If you are interested in Thermomix TM6, welcome to our website to learn more: Learn More: Thermomix Shop: Thermomix tm6: 👉 Make an appointment or contact us: If you have any questions or need help, please contact us via: Whatsapp: (852) 6725 2321 Email: 👉 Follow my Channel: My channel will continue to share more food videos about Thermomix TM6 to help novices and veterans excel in the kitchen. Please continue to follow me and let’s explore more delicious dishes together❤️
【好喝到爆】4秒自製酸梅金桔飲 新鮮維C 原汁原味 Sour Plum Calamansi Juice 食譜 thermomix tm6

【好喝到爆】4秒自製酸梅金桔飲 新鮮維C 原汁原味 Sour Plum Calamansi Juice 食譜 thermomix tm6

任何時候都可以做到的酸梅金桔汁,製作過程非常簡單,僅需短短幾個步驟,不但不會弄髒雙手,而且只需要短短的時間。這款自製酸梅金桔飲味道酸酸甜甜,原汁原味,金桔的清新和酸梅的酸味完美結合,令人愛不釋手。飲品呈現出極佳的鮮豔顏色,不僅可口而且美觀。這絕對是你在炎熱天氣中的最佳解渴選擇! 這款自製酸梅金桔飲是一種多功能的飲品,適合多種人群,並且在不同情況下都有其用處。無論你是在度過炎熱夏天,需要充分水分,還是想享受美味且營養豐富的飲品,這款酸梅金桔飲都是一個不錯的選擇。酸梅金桔飲的食材天然新鮮,不含人工添加劑,糖份也可依個人喜好調整,對追求健康飲食的人來說是不錯的選擇。它適合尋找簡單製作飲品的人:製作過程非常簡單,僅需幾個步驟即可完成,不需要花費過多時間和技巧,適合忙碌的現代生活。由於酸梅金桔飲口感酸甜,色彩豐富,對兒童和青少年來說非常吸引人,可以成為他們的健康飲品選擇。另外,金桔和酸梅富含維生素C,喝這款飲品可以補充維生素C,對於希望增強免疫力的人有益。 現在我們來看看這款酸梅金桔飲怎麽做? 🥤 酸梅金桔飲 🍽️ 簡單 ⏲️ 6 杯 (每杯 180 毫升) 📊 每杯營養信息:能量 364 千焦,能量 87 千卡,碳水化合物 23 克,鈉 8 毫克 食材 90 克冰糖 3 顆酸梅,去核 200 克金桔 900 克冷開水 製作步驟 1. 準備食材: 確保酸梅已去核,並準備好所需的冰糖、金桔和冷開水。 2. 磨碎冰糖和酸梅: 將冰糖和去核的酸梅放入 TM6 的mixing bowl中。 使用 Turbo 功能,磨碎冰糖和酸梅,按下按鈕 2 次,每次持續 2 秒。 3. 加入金桔和冷開水: 將金桔加入mixing bowl中,並加入冷開水。 4. 再次磨碎混合: 使用 Turbo 功能,再次按下按鈕 1 次,持續 2 秒,將所有食材充分混合。 5. 過濾飲品: 插入 TM6 的simmering basket,用刮刀固定住攪拌籃。 將混合物倒入simmering basket,讓攪拌籃過濾出的金桔飲。 6. 冷藏與享用: 將過濾後的酸梅金桔飲倒入玻璃瓶中,然後冷藏。 在享用時,倒入杯中,即可輕鬆品嘗美味清涼的自製酸梅金桔飲。 建議: 你也可以用2個檸檬取代金桔,將檸檬切成四瓣。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUR PLUM CALAMANSI DRINK  5 min.  10 min.  easy  6 glasses (180 ml each)  Per 1 glass: Energy 364 kJ, Energy 87 kcal, Carb 23 g, Sodium 8 mg INGREDIENTS 90 g rock sugar 3 sour plums, pitted 200 g calamansi 900 g cold water Preparation 1. Place rock sugar and sour plums in mixing bowl, grind Turbo/2 sec/2 times. 2. Add calamansi and water, blend Turbo/2 sec/1 times. Insert simmering basket, hold it in place with spatula and strain calamansi drink into a jug. Serve cold. VARIATION  Replace calamansi with 2 lemons, cut into quarters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 👉 購買美善品TM6: 如果你對美善品TM6有興趣,歡迎到我們的網站了解更多: 了解更多: 美善品系列: 美善品tm6: 👉 預約或聯繫我們: 如果你有任何疑問或需要幫助,請通過以下方式聯繫我們: Whatsapp: (852) 6725 2321 Email: 👉 追踪我的Channel: 我的頻道將持續分享更多關於美善品TM6的美食視頻,幫助新手和老手們在廚房中嶄露頭角。請大家繼續關注我,我們一起探索更多美味的料理吧❤️ 願你們都能在家中享受美食的樂趣,期待與你們在美善品TM6的世界相遇!😋
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